It is our great pleasure to announce that BCPS has taken a visionary decision to publish it's first ever newsletter from this year as a biannually basis. The content coverage is all the activities of the college performed throughout the year focusing upcoming programs of BCPS. This newsletter will be published in the BCPS website as a digital version and our respected Fellows will receive a copy via email from the college.
The aim of this newsletter is to keep the Fellows updated about the college activities.

Professor Mohammod Shahidullah
President, BCPS

It is my immense pleasure and a great honor to be part of this historic moment—the launch of the first ever BCPS Newsletter. This Newsletter represents a significant milestone and it will serve as the official source for the up-to-date news and events, ensuring our Fellows remain well-informed about the college activities. While our Year Book has been a valued tradition, it cannot fully capture the continuous stream of developments occurring month by month.
Publishing BCPS Newsletter every six months is a monumental and demanding task. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our colleagues who have dedicated their time and effort to bringing this inaugural issue to fruition.
I am confident that this remarkable initiative will continue to thrive and become a vital resource for keeping our esteemed Fellows updated and connected.

Administration Department:

Formulation and implementation of the project “Modernization and Expansion of BCPS” in the BCPS premises. There will be an auditorium with a capacity of 1500 people, education centers, examination halls, Information Technology (IT) Department and Research & Training Monitoring Department (RTMD) with training facilities. For the establishment of regional center at Sylhet and Rajshahi, land has been purchased and for Joshor (under process).

Fig: Modernization and Expansion of BCPS
Examination Department:

Department conducted FCPS and MCPS examinations and the results of different examinations are as follows:

Name of Examination January 2024 July 2024
Appeared Passed % of pass Appeared Passed % of pass
FCPS-I 10180 1499 14.72 9394 1240 13.20
Mid-Term FCPS 486 310 63.79 629 475 75.52
Preliminary FCPS 26 9 40.91 21 6 28.57
FCPS (final) 1266 227 17.93 1141 194 17.00
MCPS 489 103 21.06 586 140 23.89
Information Technology Department:

The IT Department of BCPS is pleased to announce the launch of the BCPS Online Course Calendar. This innovative tool is specifically designed to empower BCPS trainees by enabling them to efficiently manage their training schedules. IT Department also has developed a Fellow's and Member's portal which is now on live in BCPS website. Using this portal, fellows and members of BCPS can maintain their Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and able to connect with BCPS with their updated information. Fellows can also submit the Annual Subscription Fee of the college by using this Portal.
The IT department has signed an MOU with Bangladesh Data Center Company Limited (BDCCL) for transferring e-Logbook to their cloud space. They also have started to configure it's local server for deploying e-Logbook. Very soon e-Logbook will be run from BDCCL as well as its local server. The piloting activities of e-Logbook will be started shortly with supervisors and trainees.
BCPS IT department has successfully conducted 19 training programs serving ICT Training to 858 FCPS Part-I passed Trainees during January to July, 2024.

Library & Archives Department:

Department managed the answer script examine of FCPS Final examination, and ensured 7500 users to access the internet to browse, download and print information from HINARI online databases.

Medical Education Department:

Department organized many workshops - 3 on MCQ, 4 on IOE, 5 on SAQ, and 2 on Improvement of Examination Process. Total 902 fellows from different specialties participated in the workshops. In addition, 2 workshops were organized on Communication Skills for 54 trainee doctors. Department will organize IOE and OSCE workshops for all specialties and subspecialties.

Press and Publication Department:

Department published 2 issues (April 2024 and July 2024) of the Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons where 18 original articles, 4 review articles, 8 case reports and 4 editorials were published that are available online in JBCPS website and in BanglaJOL. Resource persons from the department attended a workshop on needs assessment for research capacity enhancement at BMRC and delivered lectures there.

Research & Training Monitoring Department:

RTMD is involved in various important activities at BCPS. In the last six months RTMD conducted 14 workshops on research methodology for 723 FCPS Part I qualified doctors.
Protocol, dissertation, and thesis were submitted, reviewed, and sent to the examination department for defense.
Orientation on the 'Supervisor Skill Development' workshop was conducted by RTMD in RMC and Mugda Medical College for 124 trainers.
A total of 147 trainees entered into the preliminary enrollment and 5 qualified doctors enrolled in the fellowship program.

Skill Development Department:

Department organized practical training courses to develop basic and advanced skills in various aspects for the trainers and trainees. 1 batch of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Instructor Course for 9 trainees, 2 batches of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Provider Course for 32 trainees, 2 batches of Basic Ophthalmology Surgical Skill (BOSS) for 38 trainees, 10 batches of Basic Surgical Skills (BSS) for 200 trainees and 3 batches of Emergency obstetric Care and Newborn Care (EOC & NC) for 96 trainees.

Training Accreditation Department (TAD):

TAD visited 27 institutions and 176 subjects were accredited during the period of January to June 2024 . On the basis of fulfilling accreditation criteria, BCPS accredited 27 institutions. Accreditation is conferred for a specified time to the departments who fulfills the set standards for accreditation of BCPS.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD):

Committee organized 4 CPD Lecture programs in different institutes. Next CPD Program will be on 1st week of October, 2024.

Fellows Welfare Committee:

Total 153 people contributed a total amount of 16,06,000/- tk. (sixteen lakh and six thousand taka only) to Fellows Welfare Fund from January 2024 to September 08, 2024.

International Affairs Committee:
  1. Renewal of MOU with Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh for 5 years in January 2024.
  2. Academic MOU with Planetary Health Academia.
  3. Arrangement of Medical Training Initiative (MTI) programme with Cambridge Denary of UK in multiple subjects.
Activities of Faculties:

Faculty took initiative to make academic calendar and a skill lab manual, and discussed about FCPS Mid-Term examination.

Family Medicine:

Faculty prepared a booklet and updates of curriculum and logbook are in process. They have taken a decision to organize a symposium for trainers and other doctors.


Faculty updated the list of question setters for FCPS Part-I, Mid-Term and Final part examinations, and participated in workshops on IOE, OSCE and SAQ.


Faculty approved BLS Manual mandatory course for FCPS Mid-Term candidates, and updated curriculum and logbook. Faculty worked on integration of MRCP in FCPS, and to start Emergency Medicine and Acute Medicine in FCPS. They decided to introduce a BMS Manual for FCPS in Medicine.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

There are two faculty meeting were held with 102 faculty members. One zooms meeting for selection of faculty for subcommittee. One zoom meeting was held for selction of faculty for subcommittee. The other one was on " Ethical issues in day to day practice of OBGYN". The faculty decided to arrange CME on this topic for all OBGYN fellows in Bangladesh.
Faculty also arranged a feedback session to the students who were not successful in the examination.


Faculty updated and finalized new curriculum and logbook. They met Orbis International, Bangladesh, to ensure technical and HRM support, and also signed an MoU with Orbis. They prepared a skill lab module.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation:

Faculty prepared and circulated logbook to trainees, and attended workshops on IOE, OSCE and SAQ. They have a plan to organize orientation courses and develop a skill lab for students.


Faculty has evaluated the FCPS Part-I & Final results, and conducted orientation course for FCPS Part-I candidates. They have revised the curriculum and logbook.

Radiology & Imaging:

Faculty organized orientation courses for FCPS Part-I & Final part and MCPS students. They also established a Skill Lab.


Since January 2024, following meetings were arranged - Faculty meeting (02), Emergency meeting (01), Subcommittee meeting (02). Faculty also has arranged orientation course for FCPS Part-I, Mid-term and Final Part FCPS candidates. Faculty is working on development of fellowship program on Pediatric Neurosurgery, Surgical Gastroenterology & Endocrine and Breast Surgery. In addition to this, faculty has proposed to start ATLS course for FCPS trainee of Surgery and allied discipline.

Chair Professor Quazi Tarikul Islam
Co-Chair Professor Tahmina Begum
Member Secretary Professor Imtiaz Faruk
Ex-Officio Professor Abul Bashar Md. Jamal
Members Professor Iffat Ara Shamsad
Dr. Iftekhar Ibne Mannan
Dr. Tanveer Ahmed
Dr. Sumia Bari
Dr. Mafruha Akter
Dr. Rushdana Rahman
Dr. Rubina Afroz Rana
Dr. Hasnat Zaman Zim
Dr. Masroor-Ur-Rahman
Dr. Samia Shihab Uddin
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